Sunday, 5 August 2012

(Almost) Half A Dozen Q's with Make The Noise

We chat to Ryan Eborall, DJ, co-founder of Make The Noise Clothing and one of our very own NTU students about his new clothing brand and how it all began.

- How did Make The Noise all begin?
Well, me (Ryan Eborall) and my partner, William Green started running some events called Make The Noise around Northamptonshire with local DJs/acts. After we ran these events for a while, we decided to then make a couple of T-shirts for the people performing on stage. A lot of people we're fond and started asking where they could buy them and along came Make The Noise - the clothing brand.

- What is the inspiration behind Make The Noise Designs?
The designs are meant to be fresh and fashionable (hopefully) but keeping the music vibe about them. That's why we have our clothing logo as a headphone jack. So i guess we're inspired by music and current fashion. 

-What sets you apart from other independent brands?
We believe we differ from the norm because of our products, but also our aims. We aren't making clothes to just bring in money, we enjoy it and we never actually want to be too big!
It also helps us promote the music side of stuff; more exposure for the artists we work with, helping bring in an even bigger crowd to events and obviously, putting new clothes on the artists backs ha.

- What is your ultimate dream for Make The Noise?
Our dream? Pretty much to grow to a nice level of popularity - I use the word nice because we don't ever want to be too big. People like our clothes because they are unique and not common, we hope to keep that element yet be a fair amount bigger so that we're still quite well known, if that makes any sense...

Oh, and we'd also like to continue sponsoring music artists and build our list of who we sponsor 

- Describe Make The Noise in 3 words.
Worth. A. Look. - A music based clothing brand that has grown from local eventsbased in Northamptonshire by Ryan Eborall & William GreenUse this discount code for 10% off at Make The Noise: NOISES111

By Chloe Taylor 

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